10.3: Respiratory Assessment

With an understanding of the basic structures and primary functions of the respiratory system, the nurse collects subjective and objective data to perform a focused respiratory assessment.

Subjective Assessment

Collect data using interview questions, paying particular attention to what the patient is reporting. The interview should include questions regarding any current and past history of respiratory health conditions or illnesses, medications, and reported symptoms. Consider the patient’s age, gender, family history, race, culture, environmental factors, and current health practices when gathering subjective data. The information discovered during the interview process guides the physical exam and subsequent patient education. See Table \(\PageIndex<1>\) for sample interview questions to use during a focused respiratory assessment. [1] Table \(\PageIndex<1>\): Interview Questions for Subjective Assessment of the Respiratory System

Interview Questions Follow-up
Have you ever been diagnosed with a respiratory condition, such as asthma, COPD, pneumonia, or allergies? Do you use oxygen or peak flow meter? Do you use home respiratory equipment like CPAP, BiPAP, or nebulizer devices? Please describe the conditions and treatments.
Are you currently taking any medications, herbs, or supplements for respiratory concerns? Please identify what you are taking and the purpose of each.
Have you had any feelings of breathlessness ( dyspnea )? Note: If the shortness of breath is severe or associated with chest pain, discontinue the interview and obtain emergency assistance. Are you having any shortness of breath now? If yes, please rate the shortness of breath from 0-10 with “0” being none and “10” being severe? Does anything bring on the shortness of breath (such as activity, animals, food, or dust)? If activity causes the shortness of breath, how much exertion is required to bring on the shortness of breath? When did the shortness of breath start? Is the shortness of breath associated with chest pain or discomfort? How long does the shortness of breath last? What makes the shortness of breath go away? Is the shortness of breath related to a position, like lying down? Do you sleep in a recliner or upright in bed? Do you wake up at night feeling short of breath? How many pillows do you sleep on? How does the shortness of breath affect your daily activities?
Do you have a cough? When you cough, do you bring up anything? What color is the phlegm? Do you cough up any blood ( hemoptysis )? Do you have any associated symptoms with the cough such as fever, chills, or night sweats? How long have you had the cough? Does anything bring on the cough (such as activity, dust, animals, or change in position)? What have you used to treat the cough? Has it been effective?
Do you smoke or vape? What products do you smoke/vape? If cigarettes are smoked, how many packs a day do you smoke? How long have you smoked/vaped? Have you ever tried to quit smoking/vaping? What strategies gave you the best success? Are you interested in quitting smoking/vaping? If the patient is ready to quit, the five successful interventions are the “5 A’s”: Ask, Advise, Assess, Assist, and Arrange. Ask – Identify and document smoking status for every patient at every visit. Advise – In a clear, strong, and personalized manner, urge every user to quit. Assess – Is the user willing to make a quitting attempt at this time? Assist – For the patient willing to make a quitting attempt, use counseling and pharmacotherapy to help them quit. Arrange – Schedule follow-up contact, in person or by telephone, preferably within the first week after the quit date. [2]

Life Span Considerations

Depending on the age and capability of the child, subjective data may also need to be retrieved from a parent and/or legal guardian.


Older Adult

Objective Assessment

A focused respiratory objective assessment includes interpretation of vital signs; inspection of the patient’s breathing pattern, skin color, and respiratory status; palpation to identify abnormalities; and auscultation of lung sounds using a stethoscope. For more information regarding interpreting vital signs, see the “General Survey” chapter. The nurse must have an understanding of what is expected for the patient’s age, gender, development, race, culture, environmental factors, and current health condition to determine the meaning of the data that is being collected.

Evaluate Vital Signs

The vital signs may be taken by the nurse or delegated to unlicensed assistive personnel such as a nursing assistant or medical assistant. Evaluate the respiratory rate and pulse oximetry readings to verify the patient is stable before proceeding with the physical exam. The normal range of a respiratory rate for an adult is 12-20 breaths per minute at rest, and the normal range for oxygen saturation of the blood is 94–98% (SpO₂) [3] . Bradypnea is less than 12 breaths per minute, and tachypnea is greater than 20 breaths per minute.

As a general rule of thumb, respiratory rates outside the normal range or oxygen saturation levels less than 95% indicate respiration or ventilation is compromised and requires follow-up. There are disease processes, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), where patients consistently exhibit below normal oxygen saturations; therefore, trends and deviations from the patient’s baseline normal values should be identified. A change in respiratory rate is an early sign of deterioration in a patient, and failing to recognize such a change can result in poor outcomes. For more information on obtaining and interpreting vital signs, see the “General Survey” chapter.


Inspection during a focused respiratory assessment includes observation of level of consciousness, breathing rate, pattern and effort, skin color, chest configuration, and symmetry of expansion.

Photo showing Landmarks of the Anterior, Posterior, and Lateral Thorax on human malePhoto showing a side view of normal and barrel chest appearance of simulated patientPhoto showing clubbing of fingertips



Using the diaphragm of the stethoscope, listen to the movement of air through the airways during inspiration and expiration. Instruct the patient to take deep breaths through their mouth. Listen through the entire respiratory cycle because different sounds may be heard on inspiration and expiration. As you move across the different lung fields, the sounds produced by airflow vary depending on the area you are auscultating because the size of the airways change.

Listen to normal breath sounds on inspiration and expiration.

Correct placement of the stethoscope during auscultation of lung sounds is important to obtain a quality assessment. The stethoscope should not be performed over clothes or hair because these may create inaccurate sounds from friction. The best position to listen to lung sounds is with the patient sitting upright; however, if the patient is acutely ill or unable to sit upright, turn them side to side in a lying position. Avoid listening over bones, such as the scapulae or clavicles or over the female breasts to ensure you are hearing adequate sound transmission. Listen to sounds from side to side rather than down one side and then down the other side. This side-to-side pattern allows you to compare sounds in symmetrical lung fields. See Figures \(\PageIndex\) [7] and \(\PageIndex\) [8] for landmarks of stethoscope placement over the anterior and posterior chest wall.

Photo showing Anterior Auscultation Areas Photo showing Posterior Auscultation Areas

When assessing patients who are experiencing shortness of breath (or fatigue easily), it may be helpful to begin auscultation in the bases and progress upward to other lung fields as tolerated by the patient. This ensures that assessment of the vulnerable lower lobes is achieved prior to patient fatigue.

Expected Breath Sounds

It is important upon auscultation to have awareness of expected breath sounds in various anatomical locations.

Adventitious Lung Sounds

Adventitious lung sounds are sounds heard in addition to normal breath sounds. They most often indicate an airway problem or disease, such as accumulation of mucus or fluids in the airways, obstruction, inflammation, or infection. These sounds include rales/crackles, rhonchi/wheezes, stridor, and pleural rub:

Listen to fine crackles:

Listen to wheezes:

Listen to stridor:

Life Span Considerations


There are various respiratory assessment considerations that should be noted with assessment of children.

Older Adults

As the adult person ages, the cartilage and muscle support of the thorax becomes weakened and less flexible, resulting in a decrease in chest expansion. Older adults may also have weakened respiratory muscles, and breathing may become more shallow. The anteroposterior-transverse ratio may be 1:1 if there is significant curvature of the spine (kyphosis).


Percussion is an advanced respiratory assessment technique that is used by advanced practice nurses and other health care providers to gather additional data in the underlying lung tissue. By striking the fingers of one hand over the fingers of the other hand, a sound is produced over the lung fields that helps determine if fluid is present. Dull sounds are heard with high-density areas, such as pneumonia or atelectasis , whereas clear, low-pitched, hollow sounds are heard in normal lung tissue.

Expected Versus Unexpected Findings

See Table \(\PageIndex\) for a comparison of expected versus unexpected findings when assessing the respiratory system. [12]

Table \(\PageIndex\): Expected Versus Unexpected Respiratory Assessment Findings

Assessment Expected Findings Unexpected Findings (Document and notify provider if a new finding*)
Inspection Work of breathing effortless

Regular breathing pattern

Respiratory rate within normal range for age

Chest expansion symmetrical

Absence of cyanosis or pallor

Absence of accessory muscle use, retractions, and/or nasal flaring

Anteroposterior: transverse diameter ratio 1:2

Increased or decreased respiratory rate

Accessory muscle use, pursed-lip breathing, nasal flaring (infants), and/or retractions

Presence of cyanosis or pallor

Asymmetrical chest expansion

Clubbing of fingernails

Absence of adventitious lung sounds

Adventitious lung sounds, such as fine crackles/rales, wheezing, stridor, or pleural rub

Decreased level of consciousness, restlessness, anxiousness, and/or irritability

  1. This work is a derivative of Clinical Procedures for Safer Patient Care by British Columbia Institute of Technology and is licensed under CC BY 4.0↵
  2. Massey, D., & Meredith, T. (2011). Respiratory assessment 1: Why do it and how to do it? British Journal of Cardiac Nursing, 5(11), 537–541. https://doi.org/10.12968/bjca.2010.5.11.79634↵
  3. This work is a derivative of Nursing Pharmacology by Open RN licensed under CC BY 4.0↵
  4. "Anterior_Chest_Lines.png," "Posterior_Chest_Lines.png," and "Lateral_Chest_Lines.png" by Meredith Pomietlo for Chippewa Valley Technical College are licensed under CC BY 4.0 ↵
  5. “Normal A-P Chest Image.jpg" and "Barrel Chest.jpg" by Meredith Pomietlo for Chippewa Valley Technical College are licensed under CC BY 4.0↵
  6. “Clubbing of fingers in IPF.jpg” by IPFeditor is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0↵
  7. "Anterior Respiratory Auscultation Pattern.png" by Meredith Pomietlo for Chippewa Valley Technical College is licensed under CC BY 4.0↵
  8. "Posterior Respiratory Auscultation Pattern.png" by Meredith Pomietlo for Chippewa Valley Technical College is licensed under CC BY 4.0↵
  9. This work is a derivative of Clinical Procedures for Safer Patient Care by British Columbia Institute ofTechnology and is licensed under CC BY 4.0 ↵
  10. This work is a derivative of Clinical Procedures for Safer Patient Care by British Columbia Institute of Technology and is licensed under CC BY 4.0↵
  11. Honig, E. (1990). An overview of the pulmonary system. In Walker, H. K., Hall, W. D., Hurst, J. W. (Eds.), Clinical methods: The history, physical, and laboratory examinations (3rd ed.). Butterworths. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK356/↵
  12. This work is a derivative of Clinical Procedures for Safer Patient Care by British Columbia Institute of Technology and is licensed under CC BY 4.0↵
  13. Hill, B., & Annesley, S. H. (2020). Monitoring respiratory rate in adults. British Journal of Nursing, 29(1), 12–16. doi.org/10.12968/bjon.2020.29.1.12↵

This page titled 10.3: Respiratory Assessment is shared under a CC BY-SA 4.0 license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by Ernstmeyer & Christman (Eds.) (OpenRN) via source content that was edited to the style and standards of the LibreTexts platform.

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  2. Tags
    1. accessory muscles
    2. apnea
    3. atelectasis
    4. barrel-chested
    5. bradypnea
    6. bronchial breath sounds
    7. bronchovesicular sounds
    8. clubbing
    9. crackles
    10. crepitus
    11. cyanosis
    12. dyspnea
    13. hemoptysis
    14. hypercapnia
    15. hypoxemia
    16. kyphosis
    17. orthopnea
    18. pallor
    19. rales
    20. retractions
    21. source@https://wtcs.pressbooks.pub/nursingskills
    22. stridor
    23. tachypnea
    24. vesicular sounds
    25. wheeze