Records Inventory

The Records Inventory is the primary document of the Records Management Plan. A well-maintained inventory details every record type a department creates. A Records Inventory uses records series from the University of Texas at Austin Records Retention Schedule (UTRRS), which provides detailed guidance on the retention requirements for records created, received, used, and stored at the university.

Taking time to consider the types of records that are being produced, and knowing the retention required for them, guides departments in the preservation needs and disposition eligibility for each record type.

Records Inventory Workbook

The Department Records Manager Contact (DRMC) is responsible for creating the Records Inventory. DRMCs should download a copy of the Records Inventory Workbook, which contains tools and instructions for completing the inventory.

The Excel workbook includes tabs for:

Download a copy of the Records Inventory Workbook. You can also download a copy of the Records Inventory Simple Form Only.

Building and Maintaining a Records Inventory

Use the templates in the workbook to create your Records Inventory. You can create your Record Inventory by adding to your document through time, or you can start with the entire UTRRS and remove record series that your department does not have. All entries must have a UTRRS record series identified.

A few other tips to help you build or maintain your inventory are:

RM Tools