Publication date 2015 Topics Strategic planning, Strategic planning -- Case studies Publisher Harlow, Essex, England : Pearson Education Limited Collection internetarchivebooks; printdisabled Contributor Internet Archive Language English Volume 14 Item Size 1.7G
832 pages : 26 cm
This text is brought into sharper focus with a new emphasis on globalization, innovation, and sustainability. This text equips students with the strategic concepts they will need to know as they face the issues that all organizations must build upon to push their businesses forward. This edition has added two new authors to the text. Alan Hoffman, a major contributor to the 13th edition, is a former textbook author and world-renowned author of strategy business cases, and Chuck Bamford, who was a student of Tom Wheelen and David Hunger back in 1980 at the University of Virginia (McIntire School of Commerce), has authored four other textbooks. They join J. David Hunger and bring a fresh perspective to this extraordinarily well-researched and practically crafted text
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