CIA Practice Questions

CIA Practice Questions provide candidates the ability to practice their skills and knowledge with retired questions from previous CIA exams. Practice questions offer the rationale for correct and incorrect responses.

Candidates receive two practice sessions per part. The number of questions in a practice session matches that of the actual CIA exam. Time allotted for each practice session is double that of the actual exam, allowing time for candidates to respond to each question and review response rationales.


Regular Price
CIA Practice Member Non-Member
All Parts $269.00 $349.00
Part 1 $99.00 $129.00
Part-2 $99.00 $129.00
Part-3 $99.00 $129.00

CIA Practice Questions may be purchased individually by part or as a 3-part bundle. Access is granted for one year starting from the date of purchase.

Discounted price will be applied during checkout.

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